
Showing posts from August, 2019

How to formulate ideas for presentation topics

Sometimes assignment proves to be an uphill task from the start. To write a good assignment, you need to come up with a good topic. The same case applies to a presentation. Sometimes students have to prepare presentations for their classes. It can be a PowerPoint presentation or anything else. Either way, they have to come up with a good topic that they are sure to ace in the process. A student may develop anxiety in the process especially if this is an exam. Sometimes lectures and professors can be unpredictable and give the student a very demanding exercise that they can use to award them grades.  If you want to come up with excellent ideas for presentation topics , you need to think, read, and still think again. You have to identify areas that your strength lies. Everybody has that one issue that they are passionate about. To can form a very good basis for a presentation topic. If you think about it carefully, you will identify an area that you can t...


反思报告(Reflective Essay)是英国大学学术写作的常见任务;与传统的论文和演讲不同,反思报告让学生有机会在学术环境中说明自己的经历和观点。反思性报告需要包含良好的批判性分析,这对学生而言非常重要。 EssayMIN写作服务将与您分享如何写反思报告以及反思报告学术写作标准等。 什么是反思报告? 顾名思义,反思报告(Reflective Essay)是一篇文章,主要总结学生对某一主题的批判性分析。虽然传统的学术写作不支持第一人称,但反思报告却恰恰相反。反思写作Essay可以让你: 反思报告(Reflective Essay)格式 反思性报告的格式与其它普通议论文或研究论文的格式大不相同。反思性文章更多是结构良好的故事或日记条目。首先你需要遵循以下几个要点: 草稿:编写草稿可以帮助理清论文的逻辑,防止忽略重点。遵循格式:你应该按照导师要求坚持遵循正确的格式;比如APA、Chicago、Harvard等 开始写你的反思报告 你应该概述反思性文章的每一部分,以便轻松快速地编写。考虑一下步骤: 选择主题收集信息提炼信息资源 反思报告结构 反思报告介绍 任何学术任务都应从 介绍 部分开始,它应该是: 引人注目的 信息化 简明扼要 获得专业的帮助 反思报告学术写作标准?如何写反思报告?EssayMIN为留学生作业提供解决方案,我们服务类型多样化,其中包括反思报告代写,有需要就联系我们哦~

Believing in your writing effort

Assignment writing is part of the learning process that a student has to undertake. It makes their understanding better and entrenches good writing skills. Most students, however, do not fancy the idea of assignment writing, probably because of the requirements therein as well as the hassle that comes with it. The student has no choice but to ensure he masters the skill because there is a lot that makes it easy to bear. One thing is that once you master the writing skills, you will not only benefit academically but also holistically. Your skill will be applicable even in the world outside school.  Assignments require writing a thesis statement , soothing that will make the work look more focused. As such, you need to trust your writing efforts first because it makes your mind open up. You are able to think above normal standards. Since you have to come up with a thesis statement, your thinking is amplified and you explore the potential you never thought exi...


5段落的论文大纲,是学生最常见的论文作业之一,从中学到大学,5个段落的论文随处见到。这种类型的 论文大纲 之所以如此受欢迎,是因为它适用任何主题的论文,是所有论文类型中,最通用的论文格式。写论文大纲,是为了有效的帮助大家整理写作思路,论文大纲的意义在于,让论文有框架,不至于写正文细节的时候,才发现文不对题。让大家有效节省时间和精力,不做无效功。 为什么论文大纲需要写5段?不是3段或7段?下面EssayMIN为您一一道来。 第一步:阅读题目 认真阅读下题目。想想它要求你做什么?你需要反思吗?总结一下事实?在两个(或更多)主题之间画出相似之处? 有时候一篇论文题目就能为你提供结构和大纲。比如论文需要你在两本书或两个历史事件或两个概念之间进行比较,那么写这篇论文的第一步需要简要描述每一本书的概要,然后给出几个比较两者的例子。如果要求您描述一个想法并对其进行论证,那么您需要先对该概念进行概述,然后再对该主题做出若干具体评论。 第三步:写下来 尽可能的把你了解的资料写下来,不需要注意细节,细节可以在后期慢慢调整修改。你稍后会重新整理编辑 – 没有人会看到这个初稿。只需将论文的框架和重点写在纸上,然后充实你的论点并使其成为完整的初稿。 如果您从所研究的文献中得到了很好的记录,请在草案中包含引用和证据。拉出你的课堂笔记和你做过的任何研究。这一点尽可能详细,你早期提供的证据越多,你就能越多地发表可靠论据,同时也发现论文中的弱点。 2. 5段论文大纲模板 如果你被要求写一篇5个段落的论文,主要由哪些部分组成?需要哪种格式?大纲分为3个主要部分(介绍,主体,结论),其中主体部分一般需要3个部分。每个部分将有自己的论据,因此要建立一个完整的 论文大纲 。下面是一个5个段落论文大纲模板的示例: 3. 5段论文大纲的主次关系 开始任何五段论文,介绍部分,是陈述论文背景,论文观点等信息。 Mainbody中,论文主体段落1必须是首要论据,是论文中的最佳伦点,需要从一开始就吸引老师的注意力。其次的段落2和段落3是次要论据。记得最主要的论据,都是放在最前面的。 关于如何写好5个段落的 论文大纲 ,你还存在疑问吗?有时间看上去很容易,实际写作确存在困难,不要怕,多尝试动手写几次。事情需要练习和耐心,技能才能得到提升。如果你需要得到合格的学术写作...

Using assignment writing service to your advantage

Every student is supposed to use everything at his or her disposal to ensure he gets a good grade. They should be working hard everyday using the resources provided by the school to further their knowledge and understanding of what has been taught. Assignments are important to every student, and they should be taken seriously. When it comes to online assistance, a student should utilize it to his or her advantage. These online writers have so much to offer to students such that it is easy to become a top performer within the shortest time possible.  Assignment Writing Service is designed in such a way that targets leaners in every aspect. First, it seeks to help those who have writing problems to improve their skills. Here, the student can get his assignment done by the professional writer based on the instructions provided by the teacher. The writer has to write something that will guarantee a good performance in the end for the student. More so, the wri...

Taking your assignments to the next level

Assignment writing is integral to a student’s learning experience. They are the tools through which students gauge their understanding of the concepts and as the precursor of what to expect in upcoming exams. As such, every student needs to take them seriously and ensure they do their best to churn quality papers. God assignment performance indicates a possibility of excellence in the papers to come. However, it is not always a rosy affair, especially when the student has to grapple with complex topics and lengthy papers. He is expected to meet all the requirements and at least perform above the normal standards.  To make the matter easy, a student can use non chronological report examples as the premise of their efforts to enhance their assignment-writing prowess. These examples provide ideas of how a student is supposed to go about a certain assignment. There are many of them within the library and internet that a student can go through to ensure they write...

Enhancing academic writing skills

A student’s writing skills are important because the success of his assignments depend on it. These writing skills have to enhance everyday through reading and writing. The practice is what enhances one’s skills. A student needs to know how to handle different assignments. For instance, students need to know how to handle research assignments. This regards the proposal writing process up to the research report writing process. All the sections in this paper have to deal with a certain aspect that contributes to the general idea. As such, a student must practice excellently to ensure they know what to do.   Besides that, a student needs to know how to structure a paragraph , whether to be a research paper or an essay. This is one of the significant features that depict a student as a good writer. There is a lot to deal with when it comes to the perfecting of the writing skills, but then again, a student’s effort and more importantly attitude have a big r...

如何写书评(Book Review)?

书评写作(Book Review),是让学生对整本书提出意见或进行批判。一部分同学由于对书评写作缺乏理解无法应对写作任务;这篇文章将为你提供一些建议,跟着EssayMIN,了解如何写好书评(Book Review)。 相关博客通道 书评如何写?英文影评如何得高分? 如何写学期论文? 2019怎么写出高分Essay? 标准的论文格式:Harvard、APA、Oxford参考格式 目录 什么是书评 书籍报告与书评的区别 如何书评:书评的结构 写作技巧 书评示例 什么是书评 你可能会有疑问:“什么是 书评(Book Review) ?”。书评是常见的留学生作业类型,主要用于检查学生是否真正读过这本书,发表自己的意见或提出不同的观点。它是一种文学批判形式,分析作者想法、写作技巧等。 书籍报告与书评的区别 了解书籍报告与书评(Book Review)之间的区别非常重要,我们整理了对这两者的解释: 书籍报告是摘要,其结构比书评更简单。它提供了有关作者及其背景的信息,以帮助读者理解作者的观点。它还简要介绍了故事情节,并可能包含有关情节,角色和设置的详细信息,这是对故事的客观重述。 另一方面,书评是对文本的深入分析;检查其内容。它的目的不是重述故事,而是评估它的价值并向读者推荐(或不推荐)这本书。书评给出了作者的意见,并包含它的个人观点。评论将包括对读者意图,主题元素和象征主义的分析。 如何写书评:书评的结构 一个良好的书评(Book Review)结构至关重要!许多同学不知道如何构建书评结构,不理解文本中需要包含的内容导致失败的结果。 我们准备了每个部分的详细清晰的描述,帮助你规划书评(Book Review)作业: 如何获得合格的写作帮助? 你是否阅读了整篇文章,依旧对 英文书评 写作感到苦恼?不用担心,EssayMIN根据客户需求提供原创无抄袭的英文书评、影评代写服务,不再苦苦挣扎!


反思报告(Reflective Essay)是英国大学学术写作的常见任务;与传统的论文和演讲不同,反思报告让学生有机会在学术环境中说明自己的经历和观点。反思性报告需要包含良好的批判性分析,这对学生而言非常重要。 EssayMIN写作服务将与您分享如何写反思报告以及反思报告学术写作标准等。 什么是反思报告? 顾名思义,反思报告(Reflective Essay)是一篇文章,主要总结学生对某一主题的批判性分析。虽然传统的学术写作不支持第一人称,但反思报告却恰恰相反。反思写作Essay可以让你: 开始写你的反思报告 当你知道什么是反思报告以及反思报告(Reflective Essay)的格式后,接下来就应该弄清楚如何写一篇反思性文章。你需要创建一个大纲,帮助你有条理并逐步完成任务;你需要一个正确的结构,更清楚地展示论文工作的每一步;这些都可以帮助你写反思报告,使过程变得更加容易。我们就一步步为你详细解说: 反思报告大纲 你应该概述反思性文章的每一部分,以便轻松快速地编写。考虑一下步骤: 选择主题收集信息提炼信息资源写草稿编写文章的主要部分提供参考 反思报告介绍 任何学术任务都应从 介绍 部分开始, 它应该是: 引人注目的信息化简明扼要 获得专业的帮助 反思报告学术写作标准?如何写反思报告?EssayMIN为留学生作业提供解决方案,我们服务类型多样化,其中包括反思报告代写,有需要就联系我们哦~